Friday, June 8, 2012

Myers-Briggs Personality Test

My sweet friend sent me this link to a Myers-Briggs personality test.  Have you ever taken one?  I took a similar test during my freshman year in college, but I couldn't remember its outcome.  Curious to see if my personality was similar to my friend's ENFP, I took the test.  Turns out I'm an ENFJ, just like Ronald Reagan, Ashton Kutcher, and my cousin Darcy.

What are you?


  1. I took this test about a year ago and I am an ISFP. That is like the exact opposite of you.

  2. I took the test and we are twinners. I am ENFJ too.

  3. Jill, opposites attract! Darcy, you are my sista' from another motha'.

  4. What's the F? I'm looking it up now. We're like besties.

  5. I am INFP. Introverted(78%), feeling and perceptive. Tom is the same. Only he is 100% introverted. We take this test every year. We're getting more introverted as we get older.

  6. ENTJ Basically, they said I was Hitler!
