Our family (thanks to my darling sister-in-law) is really into animal shirts. All of mi
Amor's siblings and their spouses have T-shirts similar to those pictured above. We wear them when we get together and laugh at how outrageously adorable they are. Then we sport them at fancy
restaurants and secretly note the envy we see in the eyes of
passersby. If you'd like to start a similar family tradition, here's a website that can help get you started. (Thanks, again, to my sister-in-law for the link): W
olf T-shirt.
P.S. For a gut-busting laugh, read the customer reviews about each of the wolf T-shirts. Don't forget to grab a few tissues to dry your tears of joy.
That's a great pic of you guys!!!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds totally fun! Something that no one else would get! You guys are so cute!
ReplyDeleteI've never seen a more animalistic, sensual couple. Roarrrrrr!