Thursday, March 19, 2009

Green Peace

We had planned on going to the train park, but instead, I selfishly persuaded my boyz into going to the Scottsdale Mall.  I promised them that if I could JUST LOOK in Nordstrom for a few minutes,  they could play at the play place.  And afterward, we'd eat Sprinkles cupcakes. Sold.

I would have kept my word, stuck to the plan, if I hadn't seen that 50% off sign in Banana Republic's display window.

I told the boyz, "One little trip to the sale rack...just looking for a Sunday dress.  I'll be quick; I promise. I'll let you play for 5 minutes longer?"

"Okay," they said. 

I had every intention of keeping my promise...until I remembered that mi Homegurl really needed a new swimming suit. 

I said, "Just a quick dip into Gap Kids.  Look, they even have Star Wars t-shirts in here!"  

The shirt distraction lasted long enough for me to realize that cute and modest swimwear is H-A-R-D to find.  Why do bikinis always have cuter fabrics and styles? And why do the one pieces look like Grandma Myrtle Mayva designed them? 

Now my boyz started to become defensive, saying things like, I tricked them and that I love shopping more than I love keeping promises. Harsh.  So, we made haste to the play place.  They played; and  I read until they started nagging for phase two of the promise. Cupcakes. Sprinkles is outside of the mall, but I still needed to visit Nordstrom.

I said, "I still have to look in Nordstrom for mi Homgurl'z Easter dress."

"Just the dress, right?"

"Right." I said.

We started looking, and I couldn't help but notice that Scottsdale chicas get dressed up for their shopping trips...kinda like they're going to the Presidential Inaugural Ball or something? I overheard two ladies talking about how they were going to strategically pack their newly purchased St. Johns clothing for their upcoming trip to St. Tropez, and they weren't talkin' about a trip to the their local Catholic church, chica.  These ladies were serious about travel and everything else that's fancy.  That's probably why they were glaring at me in utter shock when one of my boyz knocked over a toy robot display, interrupting their conversation (not fancy). Maybe they were just noticing that I'd forgotten to adhere to local dress code:  

Wardrobe Don'ts:
flip-flops:  Check!
capri jeans:  Check! 
Shade shirt that screams, "I'm Mormon.":  Check!

They returned to their conversation, and we slumped out of the store, promising to never return.  But then I remembered that I had a Crate and Barrel gift card that was burning a hole in my wallet.  I knew that my boyz were D-O-N-E, and I shouldn't have pushed my luck, but I did.

"Just one more stop.  I think they have toys there." I kinda lied.  Not good.  

Within five minutes of entering the store, my boyz knocked over 3 things, jumped on two beds, used picture holders as hair clips, and dropped two glass salt shakers.  I don't know if I purchased the green glasses because they were the closest thing to the register, or if I subconsciously wanted a "little drink." And we ain't talkin' about Dr. Pepper, chicas.   

As I walked out the door, I vowed to never lure my boyz into my good intentioned shopping trips.  We went to Sprinkles, stuffed our faces full with cupcakes (not fancy), and made our peaceful way home with our fancier than dixie cups, green acrylic stemware.

P.S. I refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages...always.  I heart the W. of W.


  1. Well they are dang cool glasses.

    And now I REALLY want a cupcake, thanks katysuz.

  2. you are so hilarious! As Im reading this im like laughing so hard and reading it to Evan whos playing his Wii and not really paying attention but giving me humorous laughs..anyways..You are so funny!
