Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sabotage: Don't Stop Believing

Here's my confession: I love sabotaging my homgurl's iVideo sessions. I'm not always granted the opportunity to cast myself into her productions, but yesterday, I was in the right place, at the right time. Don't stop believing in your dreams.

P.S. If you're not using Sprayway to clean your counter tops, you're missing out on some good, clean fun. I can't get enough of the stuff. Thanks to Costco, I have a year supply.

P.P.S Someone here is a screen hog. It's not me or my homgurl's friend. (You may think it's me, though.)


  1. you crack me up!! I loved seeing you in the background getting your groove on..haha then Hannah pushing you away when she noticed..haha priceless!

  2. Hahaha- thanks for the laugh! Between you and Hannah, Elle's lucky she's even in it!

  3. I think I should've become a choreographer. Why didn't I major in Dance?

  4. LOL. What a GREAT video. BUT....I think there are 2 screen hogs! :P You guys are so great!!! We love your blogs!!!!

  5. Hysterical! And I love the Sprayway ad placement in the middle of the dance! Both you and Hannah know how to work the camera and are great at hiding your shyness!

  6. Hannah is lucky to have a fun mom like you!

  7. I'm fun only 50% of the time:)

  8. You rock! We love GLEE and their renditions of 80's songs. I think you missed your calling...dance videos. Hannah better watch out.

  9. That was awesome! You are such a fun mom! Why don't we hang out more?

  10. You make me laugh so stinkin hard! I love it! I am definitely not coll like that! I miss and love u!

  11. I miss you like crazy! We saw the pics. of Alyssa on point--so exciting.
    I may come visit next weekend. I'll let you know!

  12. Oh my gosh I LOVE this. You really are the coolest mom ever. And I'm so happy that Elle and Hannah are such great friends...and Hannah's training Elle to be a performer. That's definitely not something she's gonna get from her own mom! It was fun to catch up a little last night.

  13. Okay, I am busting up! That was pure fab... you being a regular Mom in the background, cleaning, but then with BURSTS where you can't help but join in on the fun... the young girl Katy I know so well. Love it, love it, LOVE IT!

  14. So cute! Why don't our kids ever think we dance cool? I get booted out of all sorts of dances, too!

  15. You are hilarious! Definitely a fun mom! If the YM/YW ever do another dance instruction activity, you've got to teach it!

  16. Love the video! Way to busts some moves!

  17. Oh my... that was some good entertainment! I love your moves.

  18. Hi. I don't know you but that was HILARIOUS! Shawni sent me here. What a good mom you are!

  19. OK I LOVE it!! I found you from 71 toes, but then was on Oprah's site and wouldn't you know it, but she is looking for some guests to bust their moves!!! Check it out on her site or here:

    Good luck!!

  20. I love it! I sure do love ya! I'm so glad you're my friend. Life would be much to boring without you.

  21. That is too funny! I saw a post on Shawni's blog about it and had to sneak a peek. Emma (my 3 year old) LOVES Elle and Hannah and she was so excited to see them in a video!

  22. Ashby, Hannah will be tickled that Emma watched it. They had such a good time while taking pictures with you and Shawni.

  23. I came over from Shauni's blog - my kids have been watching this with me and they love it! You are by far the BEST!!! You've got the moves girl! I am thinking you should apply for SYTYCD (so you think you can dance) - especially if they do a mom's addition!:0)

  24. I just showed this to my daughter and she loved it. She wants to do her own now. Lol. :)

  25. I'm thinking I should do a little SYTYCD too, Heather:) I better get a private coach ASAP.

    Meg, it's time to start rolling some footage. I bet that you gals could come up with some sweet dance moves!

  26. thats sooooo funny has she done more videos?

  27. We are the Garzas cousins, But we live in Idaho. Thank you so much for entertaining us all night long. :) We have watched this video like 5 times.
